Monday, July 29, 2013

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Plan:

Outdoor Activity: Playground, Soccer

Science/Literacy: Documenting Caterpillars, Write about them on blog

Math: Assigning Coins to Chores to make magnets 

Literacy: Designing Chore/Goal/To-Do Chart

Errand/Math: School Supply Pricing - Target - have RJ record prices for the items he needs.  We will later look at Amazon and Walmart and compare

How it went:
Outdoor Activity: We went to the park with their bikes, but forgot the soccer ball.  They still had fun though and we ran into one of L's friends from gymnastics there.

Science/Literacy:  We definitely spent a good deal of time throughout the day looking at the caterpillars.  All five are alive (we thought at least one, if not more, were dead), moving and growing.  RJ even called me over when he saw two of them "fighting".  I think they were just bumping into each other, but it was more activity than they've ever shown us.  We're hoping to see them molt soon, since they're getting big.

We didn't end up writing about the caterpillars on the blog, but RJ did blog about his crystal growing experience.

Math/Literacy: We did end up discussing chores, and RJ and L liked the idea of having some regular chores that they were expected to do as members of the household as well as having extra chores that they could do for money.  This wasn't much of a math activity yet though, since it's just a list and I assigned the payments for each chore.  I need to make these into magnets still.  We didn't get around to doing the chart yet, so we'll add this to tomorrow's tasks.

Errand/Math:  We did go to Target and recorded the prices for all of RJ's school supplies and we talked about how we were going to try and save money by shopping around and comparing prices.  Our goal is to save enough money for him to buy a small toy with the difference.  Tomorrow we will enter our data into a spread sheet and look up everything on Amazon.

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