Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Timing Tuesday: A Routine Revision

As our baby recently started eating solids, I needed to amend our routine a little.  We have been generally following this sequence of events to keep us organized.

6:00 Wake/Nurse Baby
6:30 Exercise / Shower /Get Dressed
7:30 Kids Wake Up Time, Get Dressed/Suncreened
8:00 Breakfast & Pump, Calendar time, Feed cats, water plants
8:30 Feed Baby Breakfast/ Free Play
9:00 Playground/Outside time
9:30/10 Nurse Baby/Reading Time
10 Baby Nap/ Theme Activity Time
10:30 - Snack Time
11 Continued Theme Activities/Play with Baby/Maybe do some chores
12:00 Nurse Baby
12:30 Lunch Time
1:15 Story Time/Nap
1:30 Nurse Baby to sleep
2:00 Put Baby down for Nap
3:30/4 Nurse Baby/ Snack Time
4:30 Backyard Time (water play)/Free Play (if too hot) or Errands
5:00/5:30 Dinner Prep/ Playdough/Sensory Play
5:30/6 Nurse Baby
6:00/6:30 Dinner
7:00/7:15 Clean up time
7:30 Bath Time
8:00 Story Time
8:30 Bed Time/Nurse Baby
9:00 Put Baby to Bed
9:30 Parent Time
10:30 Parent Bed Time

I also made a few changes to my rotation, since we started a baby co-op and a big kid co-op and get a CSA crate, which changed my grocery shopping day.  I also made sure to add in a day where my free time is spent writing up the lesson plans, as you might have noticed from my last two "Mindful Monday" Posts.  We've tried to keep the major chores out of the weekend, but when we don't finish something vital, we do use the weekend to catch up.

Mondays - Lesson Planning for the Week
Tuesdays - Diaper Laundry, Week 1: Kids Bathroom, Week 2: First Floor Bathroom, Week 3: Master Bathroom, Week 4: Laundry
Wednesdays - Week 2: Laundry, Week 4: Projects, Week 1 & 3: Baby Co-op
Thursdays - Week 1: First Floor Dusting & Floors, Week 2: Co-op Host Day, Week 3: Second Floor Dusting & Floors, Week 4: Co-op Field Trip, CSA Pickup & Process, Meal Planning
Fridays - Meal Planning cont., Grocery Shopping
Saturdays - Week 3: Hamster Cage
Sundays - Lawn & Cat Litter

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